TCM Wisdom and Health Series Editorial Board
TCM Wisdom and Health Series Foreword
第一章 中药一般常识
第一节 中药的起源发展与文化内涵
第二节 中药的产地、采集与贮藏
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第三节 中药的炮制
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第四节 中药的配伍
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第五节 中药的用药禁忌
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第六节 中药的剂量、剂型与用法
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第七节 中药的应用
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第八节 中药和西药的差异
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第九节 中药在国家医疗体系中的地位
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第二章 常用中药使用指导
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第一节 药食同源中药
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第二节 用于保健食品的中药
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第三节 名贵中药
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Chapter 1 General Knowledge of Chinese Medicinals
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Section 1 Origin Development and Cultural Connotation of Chinese Medicinals
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Section 2 Producing Area Collection and Storage of Chinese Medicinals
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Section 3 Processing of Chinese Medicinals
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Section 4 Concerted Application of Chinese Medicinals
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Section 5 Contraindications of Chinese Medicinals
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Section 6 Dosage Preparation and Usage of Chinese Medicinals
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Section 7 Application of Chinese Medicinals
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Section 8 Differences between Chinese Medicinals and Western Medicines
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Section 9 The Position of Chinese Medicinals in the National Healthcare System
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Chapter 2 Guidelines for the Commonly Used Chinese Medicinals
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Section 1 Chinese Medicinals Used for Both Medicine and Food
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Section 2 Chinese Medicinals Used for Healthcare Food
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Section 3 Precious Chinese Medicinals
更新时间:2025-03-19 12:41:14